We believe that a funeral service should be as unique as the person we are caring for. Therefore, we don’t offer any ‘packages’. Our fees are priced fairly so that we don’t need to offer a package price.
The only thing close to a package we offer is our direct cremation, which you can read more about below.
Our professional services and guidance
(If the deceased has been collected by another funeral home they may charge for their services)
(When the deceased has passed away out of the 25mile radius, the cost of conveyance will be determined by the distance needed to travel to collect them and bring them back to our Chapel of Rest)
Coffin - Traditional style, oak veneered coffin (including linings, handles and name plate)
From £390.00
(We can also offer alternative styles of coffin; wicker, solid wood, carboard etc. prices of which are available upon request)
Hearse for the conveyance of the deceased to the crematorium, church, cemetery or burial ground
(We can also offer alternative styles of hearse; motorcycle, horse drawn etc. prices of which are available upon request)
Limousine for the conveyance of family members to the crematorium, church, cemetery or burial ground
(The limousine will drop the family off at the wake (if applicable), or back to the address they travelled from)
Provision of 4 bearers to carry the coffin (Additional bearers are £55 per bearer)
Taking names of mourners attending the service
Printing service sheets
These are priced on an individual basis
A Direct Cremation is where there are no mourners attending the service. There is no viewing of the deceased in our Chapel of Rest and no officiant taking the service.
Our Direct Cremation price includes:
We can offer an attended direct cremation, please contact us and we can go through the options and pricing for this.
Crematorium fees
The cost of this varies across our local crematoria and is available upon request
Officiant (The person who takes the service, usually a minister, civil celebrant etc)
From £220.00
Church fees (Burial or Ashes Interment)
Pricing available upon request
Cemetery fees
Pricing available upon request
Burial Ground
Pricing available upon request
Floral Tributes
Individually priced
Newspaper Announcements
Individually priced
Our local crematoria also offer a range of services such as webcasting, photo tributes etc. pricing for these are available upon request.
We don’t embalm as standard practice as it is not usually needed in this country and just adds unnecessary cost for our clients. We can offer an embalming service if necessary, i.e. if the deceased has to travel abroad, or the service has to be delayed for a long period of time. Please speak to us if you think this service would be needed and we can advise further and provide pricing if necessary.